Tanzania Human Power (THP)
Tanzania Human Power Adventure Tour Company Limited (THP) aims at acting like a charitable organization. Part of its profit goes to support orphanage centers within the region.
Our vision
is to build a strong community that is free from poverty, ignorance and disease through improved social services delivery leading to higher living standards for the people and a healthy environment.
Our mission
is to achieve equitable, sustainable and transparent management of Tanzania needy community entities, charitable institutions and schools through communication, collaboration, information sharing, advocacy and capacity building among the civilians and stakeholders for sustainable development.

Like the rest of sub-Saharan Africa, Tanzania is a victim of poverty and the AIDS/HIV virus. Most orphanages in Tanzania are severely under-resourced and understaffed. Some of these orphanages struggle every day to feed these children, and unfortunately it is impossible for them to educate everyone; they simply cannot afford school uniforms and books. Others have had to close down due to lack of resources.
What is common to all of them is the fact that they depend largely on volunteers and donations to survive and provide a safe daily life for the children. Malnutrition, lack of schooling and a general lack of resources are a handicap in the lives of many Tanzanian children that greatly reduces their chances of escaping poverty.
The orphanages live mainly on subsidies from European donations, but also on modest incomes from their local agriculture (production limited in quantity and quality), on small financial contributions from the authorities (free schooling for children in orphanages) and on food aid from the surrounding communities or NGOs. The aid provided by these NGOs in sub-Saharan Africa as part of their social protection strategy is mostly based on their mission to help vulnerable populations, often in contexts where HIV/AIDS is very present
Currently, Tanzania Human Power (THP) supports and has supported 2 orphanages in the region by providing them with a large quantity of basic necessities as well as clothing on a regular basis. In addition, THP plans to participate in part of the expenses for equipment’s and renovation of these orphanages, which are often dilapidated: purchase of furniture, running water, renovation of the premises.
Please help these children grow into confident, independent adults by making a donation. An investment in these children’s future is an investment in Tanzania’s future.
Apart from money, you can donate: